Plugin events

The list below shows all events plugins can listen to in AnchorCMS.


The routing event lets plugins register new routes.

The event passes a RoutingEvent object that exposes a RouteCollection object for plugins.


The middleware event lets plugins add new middleware.

The event passes a MiddlewareEvent object that has three methods available for plugins:

  • prepend($middleware): prepend a middleware to the stack
  • append($middleware): append a middleware to the stack
  • getContainer(): get the app object


The filters event lets plugins add filters (or short codes).

The event passes a FilterEvent object that has one method available for plugins:

addFilter($filterName, $callback): add a filter to the stack

Filter usage

To create a new filter, you need to provide two things:
the filter name, which is the string users insert into their post without the surrounding braces. To let users enter {{contactForm}}, for example, filter name has to be contactForm. the filter callback, which is the callback triggered when there is an instance of your filter name found within the post content. The callback receives two arguments: The request object and eventual attributes passed. To add an attribute to your filter, users may attach these to the filter name like this: {{contactForm foo:"bar" id:10}}. foo and id will be available as $attributes[ 'foo' => 'bar', id: '10' ].

Admin events


The beforeBodyRender event lets plugins modify the template and variables used before the page body is rendered.

The event passes a BeforeRenderEvent that has several methods available for plugins:

  • getTemplate(): get the current template
  • setTemplate(): set a new template
  • getVar($var): get a single var
  • getVars(): get all vars
  • setVar($name, $value): set a var
  • addVars($vars): set multiple vars
  • replaceVars($newVars): replace all vars


The beforeLayoutRender event lets plugins modify the template and variables used before the page layout is rendered.

The event passes a BeforeRenderEvent that has several methods available for plugins:

  • getTemplate(): get the current template
  • setTemplate(): set a new template
  • getVar($var): get a single var
  • getVars(): get all vars
  • setVar($name, $value): set a var
  • addVars($vars): set multiple vars
  • replaceVars($newVars): replace all vars


The buildScripts event lets plugins append scripts to the admin interface.

The event passes a BuildScriptsEvent object that has two methods available for plugins:

  • addScript(string $path): Adds the script at the given path to the admin header
  • addScripts(array $paths): Adds multiple scripts at the given paths to the admin header


The buildStyles event lets plugins append stylesheets to the admin interface.

The event passes a BuildStylesEvent object that has two methods available for plugins:

  • addStyle(string $path): Adds the stylesheet at the given path to the admin header
  • addStyles(array $paths): Adds multiple stylesheets at the given paths to the admin header